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Home Security

A Checklist for Choosing Business Security

Choosing an integrator to oversee your commercial security system project may seem overwhelming. Using this checklist as your guide, you can make the process faster, simpler and less daunting. For a successful project, choose an integrator that offers:

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Test Your Knowledge: Home Security Fact Sheet

We all would like to think that we are fairly knowledgeable about burglary and home security. The truth is however that our perceptions are greatly influenced by things like television and movies as well as the myths that are often perpetuated in popular culture. To see where you stand in your home security knowledge, check…

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What Can A Video Doorbell Do For You?

One of the great things about home automation technology is that there is always some new advance that allows us to do something that we previously only dreamed was possible. One of our favorite examples of that is the development of the high-definition video doorbell, called Skybell.

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Home Automation Made Easy: 3 Tips You Can Use Today

Wouldn’t it be easier to have one piece of software to control all of your home’s smart devices? Lifeline Fire & Security can help get this set up for you, meaning that everything in your home can be controlled from one central, user-friendly app that can be accessed from all of your devices.

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Buying A Security System? Read This First

Having a high-quality security system is extremely important but so is choosing a company that is competent and offers exactly what you need. When it comes to looking into home security it is very important to consider the following factors.

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Why Upgrading Your Home Security System Is A Good Idea

Upgrading your home security system should happen several times over the life of the system, especially when new technology emerges and is adopted by the majority of users. Here are a few ways that Lifeline can help you incorporate home automation into your security system and make your home a smart home.  

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Home Security + Mobile Apps: Better Together!

Every homeowner today is looking for a way to not only protect their home, but make it more efficient. From energy-efficient appliances to smart technology that can sense its surroundings and automatically adjust, there are plenty of technological advances to make every home a smart home.

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