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Posts by Mariette Lowe

Summer is here and so are the door knockers

Throughout the year there are always a certain amount of door knockers on island, but certainly as summer sets in so does an influx of door-to-door sales representatives. We take security very seriously and it is of the utmost importance to us that our valued customers are informed – not mislead – and never taken advantage of.

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West Oahu Event at Four Seasons Resort KoOlina

West Oahu Means Business! Another great event hosted by Pacific Business News on 05/05/2017 at the magnificent Four Seasons Resort KoOlina. Lifeline was very proud of our president, Todd Bedford, for being selected as one of the expert panelist discussing the continued growth and development in our business communities right here on Ohau West Side.…

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Smart People Have Smart Homes

Summer months see a 10% increase in crime, so whether you are going away on vacation or staying home for a “staycation”, please be SMART and secure your home with SMART technology today.

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Common Misconceptions About Home Security

A lot of people don’t invest in a home security system based on commonly held misbeliefs about smart security. As with any technology, it doesn’t hurt to see where it is going and make an educated decision about how or if it fits in your life.

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Light Up Your Season With Home Automation

With the holiday season upon us, we have many things on our minds from finding that perfect gift and getting our holiday lighting just right to making our home safe and comfortable for our visiting friends and family. It may seem like an impossible task to get it all done but we do not need…

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What Burglars Had To Say About Breaking Into A Home

With the holiday season upon us, many of us will be traveling and might be worried about the threat of being burgled while we are away –after all the FBI estimates more than 400,000 burglaries and home invasions occur in the US during the months of November and December. We believe installing a security system…

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Home Automation and Fire Prevention

October is National Fire Prevention month. The National Fire Protection Association’s Fire Prevention campaign this year focuses on the importance of smoke detectors. The public is encouraged to replace smoke detectors every 10 years. According to the NFPA, smoke detectors are the public’s first line of defense in case of a house fire. And when…

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